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Why does the Internet of Things add value to data?

Thu, 6 Dec 2018

We rely on different devices that continuously feed our systems with data, this in itself is an advantage. However, we get double the benefit   if these data are clearly applicable to the sector in which we are working.

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The consumer and Blockchain

Tue, 4 Dec 2018

The most important segment of all value chains is the final one. Very often, the final segment represents the customer and customer-related activities; this is also the case of Blockchain.

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Artificial Intelligence and commercial development II

Fri, 23 Nov 2018

The previous article explains that synergies can be developed between systems based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and commercial development. 

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Artificial Intelligence and commercial development I

Tue, 20 Nov 2018

It may seem that we’re already benefiting from all the possible advantages of systems based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). However, this impression is very far from the reality. 

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Personalization and Artificial Intelligence, a perfect combination

Fri, 16 Nov 2018

Those who know about Artificial Intelligence (AI), this high-end technology, also know that it still requires development in many cases. It would be a good thing to take a step towards the future by studying the processes in which AI could clearly be involved.

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Who creates Artificial Intelligence?

Tue, 13 Nov 2018

One important issue that businesses, institutions, organizations and professionals must pay attention to, regards contracting third parties for Artificial Intelligence (AI) processes.

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The impact of Blockchain

Thu, 8 Nov 2018

In some sectors, Blockchain continues to have a sceptical public. This can cause a delay in the introduction of Blockchain into those sectors

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Today’s Chatbot Conversations

Tue, 6 Nov 2018

Even if you’re new to the world of technology, you have most likely interacted with some kind of virtual voice assistant, also known as chatbot.
