‘El Jap!’ meetings come to Salamanca: A series of talks with professionals from the videogames and animation sector, featuring Rocío Tomé this Thursday

Next Thursday, 24 October, the International Videogames and Animation Hub ‘El Jap!’ will be holding the second ‘El Jap! event session. On this occasion, the talk will take place at 6:30 pm at DOZE Privée (Plaza Isla de la Rúa, 3) with Rocío Tomé, co-founder of Patattie Games and FemDevs and developer for companies such as Unity Technologies, the well-known software development company for the creation of video games. These meetings offer a monthly conference with top professionals from the video game and animation sector.

The ‘El Jap! meetings’ were inaugurated in September with Borja Montoro, animator and character designer who has worked for major animation studios such as Dreamworks, Warner Bros and Walt Disney Animation Studios. All the sessions will take place in Salamanca and will be moderated by Tomás Hijo, a well-known illustrator from Salamanca, and Javier Martínez, co-founder of Big Bang Box, producer of the ‘Momonsters’ series.

The meetings are part of the activities developed by ‘El Jap!’, a project of AIR Institute and the Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León (ICECYL), a body dependent on the Junta of Castilla y León.

The purpose of this ambitious conference, which is part of the ICECYL's Wolaria accelerator, is to contribute to making the city a benchmark for innovation and to position Castilla y León in the video game and animation industry, attracting talent and fostering the development of innovative projects. The initiative has the backing of experts, companies in the sector and the institutional support of the University of Salamanca and the Salamanca City Council.

These meetings are designed to discover how projects come into being and how they are developed from the perspective of those who have actively participated in them. Registration is free, and it is already possible to sign up through this link. Registration for upcoming monthly meetings will open closer to the event date.

More information and details about training and upcoming activities on the El Jap! website.