

Promote and develop scientific research in the field of computer science and artificial intelligence

Create an information society through the development of intelligent systems and advances in the field of computer science.

Encourage technological innovation in the field of IT, computer science, artificial intelligence and information and communication technologies.

Facilitate and incentivize employment in the business sector, especially of the professionals that emerge from Educational Centres and Universities.

Encourage transfer and valorisation of knowledge in the field of IT, computer science, artificial intelligence and information and communication technologies.

Promote talent attraction and retention activities, within the ecosystem of technological actors in the geographical area of the institute.

Facilitate training and professional development in the field of information and communication technologies, computer systems, intelligent systems and especially in novel and disruptive techniques and tools.

Facilitate social improvement and development, particularly in the field of agriculture through promotion of projects related to information and communication technologies, focused on the application of advances in the field of computer science and artificial intelligence.

Boost collaboration with other public and private research centres and universities, especially those located in Castile and Leon, facilitating the establishment of agreements as well as participation in collaborative projects.

Boost business competitiveness and internationalization though improved computer systems, intelligent systems and their application in the social and business fabric.

Promote and support entrepreneurship in the field of IT, computer science, artificial intelligence and its application in different fields.

Contribute to a smart and secure digitalization of the industry through the application of the artificial intelligence in its business/production processes, products and services.