AIR Institute organises a regenerative agriculture event as part of the Farms4Climate project
Salamanca will host the Final Event of the project “Smart governance and operational models for agroecological carbon farming” (Farms4Climate), an international consortium made up of 12 Mediterranean partners, coordinated by AIR Institute, which promotes innovation in the agricultural sector through smart governance models and regenerative agroecological practices.
On the 26th and 27th of March, the Colegio Arzobispo Fonseca will host an event aimed at showcasing the results of three years of research, activities, and solutions focused on promoting more sustainable agriculture.
The event will serve as a platform to present the achievements of the six Living Labs, co-created by project partners, farmers and other stakeholders, located in Egypt, Tunisia, Italy, and Spain. In addition, digital solutions for MRV — Measurement, Reporting and Verification — developed by experts, will be presented. The project has developed technological and operational solutions to optimise carbon management in agriculture, engaging rural communities, farmers, and key stakeholders. The project seeks to enhance the sustainability, profitability, and resilience of the sector, encouraging the creation of community-based organisations (CBOs), advanced digital tools, and business models based on carbon capture.
Farms4Climate integrates technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and remote sensors to monitor environmental impact, facilitating the transition to more efficient, equitable farming systems aligned with the circular economy. All of this will be presented during the final event to highlight to the wider public, and particularly to local farmers, the benefits of these technologies for the sector.
On the 26th of March, the demonstration fair will be open to all members of the public interested in learning about technological developments in agriculture, with thematic stands focused on innovation and sustainability in the agricultural sector. On the second day, the 27th of March, the event will focus on the global presentation of results and discussion panels with key stakeholders from the sector.
What can you expect at the Final Showcase?
- Presentation of the Living Labs from Egypt, Tunisia, Italy, and Spain: agroecological solutions tailored to each context.
- Demonstration of digital MRV tools for measuring and certifying carbon capture.
- Agricultural innovation fair featuring emerging technologies and circular economy-based business models.
- Discussions and round tables with sector experts.
- Networking opportunities with farmers, investors, researchers, and agricultural policy-makers.
Register for free here:
Day 1 - 26th March - Salón de Actos, Colegio Arzobispo Fonseca
10:00 Registration and welcome coffee
10:45 Opening ceremony
11:00 | Presentations
- Presentation 1 - Towards a European framework for carbon removal certification
Speaker: Tristano Bacchetti, Eco-innovative Agricultural Solutions (SAE). - 11:30 Presentation 2 - Implementing carbon farming on a small scale: challenges and opportunities from a gender perspective
Speaker: Thoraya Seada, SEKEM Economy of Love. - 12:00 Presentation 3 - MRV and digital technologies for sustainable agriculture
Speaker: Andrea Ferrarini, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (UCSC). - 12:30 Round table - Creating a sustainable future: key strategies for community organisations in carbon farming
Panellists: The International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM), University of Basilicata (UNIBAS), SEKEM Economy of Love, The International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA).
Moderated by: Constantinos Machairas, IFOAM.
13:00 Cocktail and networking
14:00 Visit to stands
Day 2 - 27th March - Sala de Pinturas, Colegio Arzobispo Fonseca (limited capacity)
09:00 Registration
09:30 Presentation of global project results
10:00 A 360º view of the results
- Creation and expansion of community-based organisations
- Living Lab Egypt 1 - Speaker: SEKEM
- Living Lab Egypt 2 - Speaker: Heliopolis University for Sustainable Development (HU)
11:00 Coffee break
- Living Lab North Italy - Speaker: UCSC
- Living Lab Spain - Speakers: AlVelAl and Commonland (AVA)
- Living Lab South Italy - Speaker: AGR/UNIBAS
- Living Lab Tunisia - Speaker: The National Institute of Research in Rural Water and Forest Engineering (EIF)
- From theory to practice: validation of regenerative practices in F4C - Speakers: HU and ICARDA
- Carbon Market and MRV - Speakers: AIR and UCSC
- Project research findings
13:30 Round table - The legacy of F4C: perspectives, impact and future outlook
Panellists: Representatives from project partners, the advisory board, PRIMA project officer, and the leader of the Spanish farmers’ CBOModerated by: Carla González, AIR Institute
14:00 Cocktail and networking