GILL, coordinated by ENoLL, the largest network of Living Labs (LL), will develop a pan-European collaboration and learning hub based on the LL principles to become the open innovation framework for all European actors for open gendered innovation. The GILL “LL” will co-create sustainable mechanisms to increase gender-responsive smart innovation and entrepreneurship (GRISE) by fixing practices and culture across the European ecosystems.GILL will focus on 4 macro-objectives: a) to enable the organisational and cultural changes, b) to enhance professional development, c) to increase the integration of gender and diversity into product design, technologies and innovation, and d) to allow gendered educational practices. In parallel, GILL actions will act along a matrix of horizontal spheres of innovation (individual & team, tools & methods, innovation & products, societal processes) and three vertical priorities(Health and resilience, Green & Digital transition).GILL will be implemented through an iterative co-creation approach structured on a four-phase cycle – understand,co-design, implement, evaluate – repeated twice to incorporate the feedback and evaluation results in fine-tuned and validated results.
Funding: 85.000,00 EUR
Topic: HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-ERA-01-80
Type of Action: HORIZON-RIA
Grant Agreeement: 101094812

- European Network of Living Labs IVWZ (ENoLL - coordinator)
- Coventry University (CU)
- Aristotelio Panepistimio Thessalonikis (AUTH)
- ViLabs OE (VILABS)
- Københavns Universitet (UCPH)
- Universidad de Salamanca (USAL)
- Hochschule Heilbronn (HHN)
- Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini srl SB (FGB)
- Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences of The Czech Republic Public Research Institution (ISAS)
- Politecnico di Torino (POLITO)
- Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (D4D)
- Fundacion Instituto Internacional De Investigacion En Inteligencia Artificial Y Ciencias De La Computacion (IoTDIH)
- F. K. Liotopoulos KAI SIA EE (SBOING)
- Asociatia Transilvania IT (ATIT)
- Municipality of Alba Iulia (AIM)
- Experimentarium Center For Formidling af Naturvidenskab og Moderne Teknologi Fond (EXP)