Publication of Decree 19/2024: A Giant Step for the Consolidation of Innovation in Castilla y León

At AIR Institute, as members of NODDO – Network of Technological Centers of Castilla y León, we celebrate the publication of Decree 19/2024 in the Official Castilla y León Bulletin (BOCYL). This new regulatory framework formally regulates the Registry and Network of Technological Centers in the region, reinforcing our mission to promote innovation, technological development, and business competitiveness.

Although the Network of Technological Centers as we know it today began to take shape in 2022 with the creation of the NODDO Association, its roots can be traced back to Law 5/1992, which laid the groundwork for improving the technical and organizational capacity of the productive system in Castilla y León. This pioneering vision has evolved, and with the publication of Decree 19/2024, a structure is being consolidated that will continue to support the economic growth of our Community through technology transfer and knowledge.

  • Technological Centers: A Driving Force for Business Innovation

Technological Centers play a crucial role in the business ecosystem of Castilla y León. Their mission is to support companies in improving processes, adopting new technologies, and fostering continuous innovation. Their ongoing support directly contributes to strengthening the productive fabric and creating technological solutions that enhance competitiveness in local, national, and international markets.

In this context, Technological Centers, in collaboration with the Junta de Castilla y León and other entities, are a fundamental pillar in positioning the Community as a benchmark for innovation. The commitment to digitalization, automation, and advancements in cutting-edge technological areas is key to improving business competitiveness and attracting investment to the region.