DIGIS3, Intelligent, Sustainable and Cohesive Digitalisation, is one of the 12 European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIH) approved by the European Commission as a benchmark in digital innovation. DIGIS3 has been promoted by the Junta de Castilla y León as part of its objective of digital and green transition of the regional economy, which is highly industrial, and where 99% of SMEs predominate over large companies.

DIGIS3 aims to ensure the smart, sustainable and cohesive digital transformation of SMEs and public sector organisations (PSOs) in Castilla y León.

DIGIS3 focuses on cohesion, through comprehensive support to users, facilitating their access to specialised technical knowledge and experimentation environments. It acts as a digital one-stop-shop service whose central core of knowledge and training is structured around Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, High Performance Computing and Advanced Digital Skills (IoT, 5G, additive manufacturing...).

This accompaniment is carried out through appropriate digitalisation itineraries, according to the users’ digital maturity level, and considering the specific needs of the sector and the geographical environment for the capillarisation of EDIH services.

GRANT AGREEMENT Project 101083898 — DIGIS3


Amount approved: 3.447.326,00 €
Grant awarded: 3.447.326,00 €

Co-financed by

  • Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL). European Digital Innovation Hubs Work programme 2021-2023. Call: DIGITAL-2021-EDIH-01.
  • Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan for Spain. Support Programme for Digital Innovation Hubs. Call: PADIH Programme.

Co-financed logos

Funding body: 
Programme: Digital Europe Programme (DIGITAL)
January, 2023
December, 2025