The main objective of project SALUS is to improve knowledge and provision of services in Long- Term Care for elder and dependent people by means of highly interdisciplinary research. The areas involved include Digital Twins to represent of patients in LTC, sociology and gerontology to research on the specific needs, patient profiles and regulation in LTC, both formal and informal, Internet of People (IoP) and Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) devices to monitor LTC health and activity, Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence to automatically analyse LTC healthcare - related data in an ethical, robust and lawful manner and optimally assign caretakers to patients, psychological modelling, monitoring and assessment of mental health and wellbeing for patients in LTC, multimodal interface devices and user eXperience techniques to facilitate interaction with the digital services created in the project, and economic investigation into modelling demand and supply loads and planning for patients, families and businesses in LTC.

Eurostar Mediagroup S.L.
The consortium formed by the company Eurostar Mediagroup and the technology centre AIR Institute Will collaboratively work towards achieving the central key result of the project. This key outcome entails the development of an accessible and inclusive digital framework with LTC-related services, aimed at assisting elderly provide non-intrusive health and care services both at home and in care centres. This concerted effort is poised to contribute significantly to ensuring the well-being of long-term care (LTC) patients and care professionals, improving their life and work conditions, reducing financial expenses of care services, and facilitating physical and mental health monitoring of patients.