The main objective of SmartCLIDE is to propose a radically new smart cloud-native development environment, based on the coding-by-demonstration principle, that will support creators of cloud services in the discovery, creation, composition, testing, and deployment of full-stack data-centered services and applications in the cloud. SmartCLIDE will provide high levels of abstraction at all stages (development, testing, deployment, and run-time) as well as self-discovery of IaaS and SaaS Services. SmartCLIDE will provide several categories of abstractions: at development stage, SmartCLIDE will provide abstractions on data transformations or processing; at testing stage, mechanisms to visualize flow and status or artifacts to automatically test the expected behavior; at deployment stage, abstractions of physical and virtual resources; or at runtime, mechanisms to monitor the performance and operation of the service.
The cloud nature of the environment will enable collaboration between different stakeholders, and the self-discovery of IaaS and SaaS services and the high levels of abstraction will facilitate the composition and deployment of new services to nontechnical staff (with no previous experience on programming or on the administration of systems and infrastructure). Equally, hiding the complexity of the infrastructure, and adding intelligence to this layer, will allow selecting the most adequate infrastructure services in each moment.
SmartCLIDE will allow SMEs and Public Administration to boost the adoption of Cloud and Big Data solutions, being validated at one solution-oriented to Public Administration (Social Security System) and three different IoT and Big Data products of software development SMEs within the consortium.
Funding: 359.875,00 €
Funding body

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 871177