Why does the Internet of Things add value to data?

We rely on different devices that continuously feed our systems with data, this in itself is an advantage. However, we get double the benefit   if these data are clearly applicable to the sector in which we are working. So, what sectors can achieve those benefits and what are the actual benefits? Well, sectors like advertising value the ability to deliver contextualized and personalized ads on time, depending on where the consumer is during their decision making process; when doing a market research where contextualized data must be collected in real-time, for example, data on the way in which a product is used, allows to gain a better understanding of the clients and provide them with the best services to maintain loyalty to the brand; the creation of new client experiences, for example, by updating software in real-time; predictive analysis, providing alerts for maintenance requirements, reducing the time of inactivity.

These are some of the examples but there are many more, all are related to the innovation capabilities so important in the development of tasks, products and services.

Internet of Things is one of the main lines of research of the AIR-Institute.  If you would like to find out more about us, visit www.air-institute.org or follow us on social networking sites.

Why does the Internet of Things add value to data?