Artificial Intelligence, Big Data and the automotive sector

Recently we’ve been continually hearing all types of commentaries on electric batteries, their correct use and even their potential scarcity. Now, the question we ask ourselves is, is the latter statement true? If so, is there any way of implementing current technology in order to be able to cover possible shortenings?

The European Union has a Strategic Plan, called “European Battery Alliance” where priorities and the next lines of action have been established, among them we can find Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data for maintaining the highest possible level of competition in the automotive sector; this has a positive and direct effect on the European GDP.

Under the slogan “the batteries of the future”, what it proposes is a change in the way that we work with chemistry of high-performance batteries and applying specific modulations, simulations and the use of AI techniques for the exploration, discovery and validation of this process, whose aim is efficient automation. However, the support of the automotive sector can also include the construction of batteries with technology that will inform us of the “health state” of the battery.

We leave you with a link to “The Future of Batteries workshop – preparing a European initiative on future battery technologies”:

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