Artificial Intelligence and disability

We are often astonished by the current advances in the field of AI and the increasing possibilities they provide us with. However, many of its most impressive achievements remain unnoticed, such as those that assist people with special needs.  Intelligent wheelchairs, walking sticks and diverse smartphone applications, such as voice/facial recognition, facilitate the lives of those people.

However, does technology aimed at people with disabilities truly adapt to their needs? Researchers work on providing innovative applications with countless functionalities but unfortunately they are not acquainted with the people they are designed for nor with their environment. The lack of communication is evident in that a large percentage of people with special needs cannot use the AI tools targeted at them.

Moreover, professionals that are not familiar with the field of technology, such as psychologists, sociologists, doctors and others who work with disabled people must be involved in the development of AI tools.

Members of the Air Institute are aware of the importance of a multidisciplinary approach in the development of efficient technologies that adapt to the lives of people with special needs.

We work in the field of AI at all levels, for more information visit:

Artificial Intelligence and disability