Disruptive technology for developing countries

Disruptive technology is usually associated with developed countries such as those belonging to the European Union, the United States, Canada and others. At Air-Institute we believe that it is necessary to introduce such technologies into underdeveloped or developing countries other than those known as BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).

For example, countries in Latin America that are socially and economically underdeveloped, as well as African and Arabic countries that wish to venture beyond the exploitation of their natural resources must begin to recognize the importance of new technologies for their development.

Disruptive technology, instead of creating greater disparities between countries, could help underdeveloped ones even with or surpass the developed ones. We have already been able to observe such phenomena. In 2016, payments for taxi rides via mobile phone were more popular in Nairobi than in Manhattan. In 2007 Kenya had launched M-Pesa, a mobile-based financial service that became a successful alternative in the market as a result of the strict conditions imposed by banks that made it difficult for people to open a current account or obtain a debit or credit card.

The above example is a less significant one but it applies to each and every one of the technologies we implement at Air-Institute such as Blockchain, Deep Learning, Deep tech, Internet of Things or Natural Language Processing.