Ethical Guidelines for Reliable Artificial Intelligence

On April 8, AI HLEG president Pekka Ala-Pietilä presented the main ethical guidelines for the development of reliable Artificial Intelligence.

After 9 months, starting with the establishment of the AI High Level Expert Group (AI HLEG) and the European Alliance, the first important milestone, the establishment of the aforementioned guidelines, is now close to completion.

The European Commission presented these guidelines to us through a communication on "Building trust in man-centred artificial intelligence", and later made a public presentation of those guidelines at the Digital Day 2019 event in the presence of Commission Vice-President Andrus Ansip, and Commissioner Mariya Gabriel.

However, the most important steps are yet to be taken. Important milestones lie ahead, such as the establishment of a pilot evaluation phase for the proposed guidelines and a revised version thereof at the beginning of 2020, as well as the continuous exchange of best practices to ensure the implementation of the seven key requirements for reliable Artificial Intelligence.

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