New technologies in advertising

New technologies have made it possible to develop new types of marketing and advertising models. Thanks to Deep Learning, we can obtain information about the needs of our clients. Different algorithms and data models are then applied to create personalised databases containing precise data about the needs of potential clients. This enables us to personalise our offer in a way that adapts to every client.

To make personalized offers it is not enough to know your client’s tastes or needs, it is also necessary to know in what way they make one or another decision at each moment and how to interact with them to increase the possibilities of buying and selling.

The installation of ad blockers is becoming more common due to the excessive activity of advertising companies. This is why it is increasingly important to send the right information at the right time to the right consumer.

The implementation of Deep Learning is therefore a basic feature in any company looking to enhance its marketing processes. Thanks to artificial intelligence, companies will be able to save a lot of money and increase their efficiency in reaching and keeping their customers.

Customers change continuously, which is why it is so important to build systems that can be adapted to their circumstances at any point in time.


At Air Institute we work on the implementation of new technologies in companies, allowing them to increase their own and their customers' profits.