ALMATIC: Promoting connected industry with multi-sector innovation

AIR Institute is participating in the ALMATIC Project, "Defining and Developing ALgorithms for Data Analysis Platforms for MAinTenAnce, Predictive Quality and Health". A regional, multisectorial and multidisciplinary R&D Consortium has been created, involving a group of companies and research organisations with previous experience in R&D&I projects and previous technical and commercial relations.

The consortium is made up of 6 members: two technology centres, the Castilla y León Technological Institute Foundation (ITCL), the leader of the consortium and the AIR Institute, together with 4 top level companies located in the region, Amadix, Cerealto, Gonvarri Industries and Ascensores Zener. The effective, multidisciplinary and intersectorial collaboration of the national entities of the consortium for the development of an industrial research and experimental development project is the main strategic objective of ALMATIC related to the important strategic area of the future such as Connected Industry or Industry 4.0.

What are the objectives of ALMATIC?

The main objective of the ALMATIC project is to investigate various technologies, techniques, tools, methodologies and knowledge aimed at increasing the operational capacity of the processes in the framework of the connected industry, enabling the adoption of production and maintenance solutions in the connected industry.

ALMATIC seeks to contribute to the improvement of production standards and OEE in the connected industry environment and clinical quality in the context of healthcare, with a direct impact on two aspects: quality control in early stages of the product and the improvement of service performance thanks to an appropriate policy based on predictive systems.

Artificial intelligence in Industry 4.0

To this end, new artificial intelligence algorithms based on the explainable AI paradigm will be investigated to manage data obtained in the Industry 4.0 and clinical analysis environments, creating a series of enabling tools applicable to different business activities. ALMATIC will evaluate the feasibility of AI in all business sectors and how it can be integrated into capital goods, industrial, agri-food and healthcare processes, seeking a common paradigm for analysis, diagnosis and decision making focused on predictive maintenance, quality and predictive diagnostics.

Thus, a general intelligent solution will be obtained for the application of strategies based on prescriptive maintenance and the improvement of the OEE of industrial installations or the prediction of clinical risk factors, which will enable the multi-criteria optimisation of processes, personalising different tools adapted to the specific cases of the participating companies - Amadix, Cerealto, Gonvarri and Ascensores Zener.