Air Institute presents DeepINT and the ALMATIC project at the Burgos Industry 4.0 Technology Meeting

On November 16th, Air-Institute participated in a pioneering event; the Burgos Industry 4.0 Technological Meeting. Its hybrid exhibition format and technical conferences at the Evolution Forum Burgos, showcased the potential of Spanish industries.

The event has been organized by the Burgos City Council and Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0 (DIHBU). The hybrid format included an in-person exhibition of Industry 4.0 Solutions and an online conference "Industrial Track 4.0 2021".

Some parallel activities were organized in addition to the main event, these activities included a commission of Industry 4.0 Startups and a National meeting of Digital Innovation Hubs providing added value for the deployment of Industry 4.0, which brought together Spanish DIHs for disruptive technologies, of which the Air-Institute is part.

Likewise, the meeting was attended by almost a thousand participants, including more than 700 visitors and 190 exhibitors from the 39 technology demonstrators. The Air-Institute's stand was one of the highlights of the event, presenting the ALMATIC and Deep Intelligence project together with the digital platform that has been developed.

This project aims to explore the decision-making possibilities that Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence offer to companies. Through the ability of these technologies to learn from the data provided by users and predict possible scenarios on their basis. The online platform arose a lot of interest, since it could be a synergy between the other projects that were exhibited and used in the final product.

The tool makes it possible to obtain highly useful information from the data, helping companies understand and meet customer needs, as well as develop new and better products, identify opportunities and reduce the time required to analyze data and make decisions. A true ally for any innovative company that is eager to offer the best of the best to its customers.

ALMATIC seeks to contribute to the improvement of production standards and OEE in the connected industry environment and clinical quality in the healthcare context, directly affecting two aspects: quality control in early stages of the product and the improvement of service performance thanks to an appropriate policy based on predictive systems.