Air Institute participates in the SmartCLIDE project for the creation of cloud solutions

The main goal of SmartCLIDE is to propose a radically new, intelligent cloud-native development environment, based on the principle of programming by demonstration, that will support cloud service creators in the discovery, creation, composition, testing and deployment of complete solutions stacking data-centric services and applications in the cloud.

SmartCLIDE will provide high levels of abstraction at all stages (development, test, deployment and runtime), as well as self-discovery of IaaS and SaaS services.

LoRaWAN communication services use case

LoRa is a radio modulation technique that is essentially a way of manipulating radio waves to encode information using a multi-symbol chirp format (chirp spread spectrum technology). LoRa as a term can also refer to systems that support this modulation technique or the communication network used by IoT applications.

The main advantages of LoRa are its long-range capability and affordability. A typical use case for LoRa is in smart cities, where low-power, low-cost Internet of Things devices (usually sensors or monitors) distributed over a large area send small data packets sporadically to a central manager.

A low-power wide area network (LPWAN) is a type of wireless telecommunications network that allows connected devices to have long-range communication capabilities at a low bit rate.

Wellness TechGroup proposes a microservices-based LoRaWAN communications platform to address all these difficulties. Compared to legacy monolithic applications, microservices can provide (a) microservice replication (i.e., for improved availability, adaptability and scalability), and (b) an inherent security layer thanks to native container and virtual machine (VM) isolations.

Benefits of SmartCLIDE

Using containers to develop, deploy and monitor complex systems such as the Chirpstack LoRaWAN platform described above, is a difficult task, however, thanks to SmartCLIDE, developers will not only be able to deploy it, but also gain:

  • A better understanding of costs and deployment schedules in real time.
  • Deeper insight into deployment costs by providing monitoring tools that will allow the developer to track the cost of a deployment for major cloud providers.
  • Easier management of deployed services.
  • Smoother service delivery through a lower number of errors and reduced resolution time.
  • Better understanding of lifecycle costs
  • Overall increased agility and efficiency of initial deployments.

In conclusion, SmartCLIDE will help the developer at every phase, such as development, testing and deployment. Then, once deployed, the IDE (Integrated Development Environment) will provide visual monitoring tools to manage and extend execution capabilities and will also provide detailed analysis on deployment and implementation costs.



This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 871177.