ICE and AIR institute organize a digital training workshop on artificial intelligence

The Institute for Business Competitiveness of Castilla y León (ICE) in collaboration with Air Institute organizes within the Centr@tec program a “digital training workshop on artificial intelligence”. The event will take place on April 12 and 13 in Ávila.

The workshop will focus on imparting knowledge about Artificial Intelligence to show how they can transform their business with the incorporation and development of this technology.

This training aims to inform companies in Castilla y León about the innovations and improvement options that they can incorporate in their production processes and in their products or services, to optimise costs and improve their competitive position thanks to AI.

The event will be attended by Juan Manuel Corchado, President of the Air Institute, who will be in charge of opening the event and giving the welcome speech.

The main objective of the Centr@tec program is to support the digital transformation for the application of ICT technologies in the companies of Castilla y León and to promote their internationalization. Therefore, we invite you to participate and learn about interesting technological applications. The capacity is limited, so it is necessary to register in advance.

Address : Aula S4, Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ávila

 C/ Hornos Caleros, 50, 05003 Ávila

Registration is free, you can register at the following link: or by sending an email to



12 de abril de 2023 – PRESENCIAL-


09:15            Acreditación y bienvenida.

09:30            Presentación del programa Centr@tec

D. Juan Manuel Corchado. Air Institute.

09:45            Líneas de financiación del Instituto para la Competitividad Empresarial de Castilla y León (ICE)


10:00           Introducción a la Inteligencia Artificial.

10:00 - 10:45       Inteligencia Artificial.                        D. Juan Manuel Corchado. Air Institute.

10:45 – 11:15       Smart Cities                                         D. Juan Manuel Corchado. Air Institute.

11:15 – 11:45       Deep Inteligence (DeepINT)             D. Pablo Chamoso

11:45           Coffee Break

12:15            I-CSOC (Centro de Operaciones de Ciberseguridad Inteligente)

                    D. Juan Manuel Corchado. Air Institute.

13:15           Plataforma ProyectaPV. Caso de éxito.

                      D. Joserra Estévez. Proyecta Energía.

14:15            Reflexión ¿cómo podemos aplicar estas tecnologías en nuestra empresa? 



13 de abril de 2023 -ONLINE-


10:00            Fundamentos de la Inteligencia Artificial para la transformación digital

                      D. Juan Manuel Corchado. Air Institute.

10:15           Fundamentos de la Inteligencia Artificial: Introducción a la Inteligencia Artificial y la analítica visual.

                      D. Guillermo Hernández González

11:00            Aprendizaje Supervisado

                      Dña. María Alonso y Dña. Cristina Fernández

12:00           Coffee Break

12:30            Aprendizaje No Supervisado

                      Dña. María Alonso y Dña. Cristina Fernández

13:00            Deep y learning

                     D. Juan Herraza

13:20            DeepINT

                      D. Juan Manuel Corchado. Air Institute.        

13:30            Reflexión ¿cómo podemos aplicar estas tecnologías en nuestra empresa?conclusión.

13:45       Cierre del taller


Sign up for the event here.