AIR Institute and Castilla y León technology centers participate with NODDO in the official presentation of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Strategy of Castile and Leon

On Monday, 27 March, the Junta of Castile and Leon together with ICE, presented the Strategy for Entrepreneurship and Innovation of Castile and Leon 2027 (EEI27) in Salamanca, which aims to boost the economic growth of Castile and Leon through innovation, entrepreneurship and digitization.

The strategy aims to increase the number of innovative companies; develop the technological, digital and sustainable transfer of the business network; favor territorial balance; and promote specialization niches and the training of talent.

At NODDO, Network of Technology Centers of Castile and Leon, we were very interested in seeing the presentation given by the Minister of Economy and Finance, Carlos Fernandez Carriedo, who emphasized that the main weapon is collaboration and put at the disposal of this strategy all the instruments available for financing training and deploying the entire regional innovative ecosystem, in reference to the Technology Centers and the NODDO Network.

The EEI 27 is articulated through 4 major strategic axes:

  • Building the future of R&D&I, will contribute to generating new knowledge and innovations in companies and bringing them to the market, as well as increasing the presence of the Community in Europe.
  • Castile and Leon Emprende will be aimed at promoting the creation of companies and collaboration between the agents of the innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem.
  • Digital transformation will be promoted through the business network of Castile and Leon, as well as the consolidation of an offer of high quality and value-added digital products and services.
  • Sustainable Castile and Leon will help companies to position themselves in the face of the challenges presented by the SDGs, to reduce waste generation and to make the most of those that cannot be avoided.

Technological innovation solutions from the Technology Centers of Castile and Leon

In the exhibitors' area, we were able to share experiences with almost 40 regional agents in the innovation ecosystem. In this space the Technology Centers of Castile and Leon, AIR Institute, CARTIF, Cesefor, CETECE technology center, CIDAUT, CTME - Miranda de Ebro Technology Center Foundation, ICAMCyL Foundation, itagra.ct, ITCL Technology Center, exhibited a sample of demonstrators on solutions and practical implementations of innovation that each center develops.

Participation of AIR INSTITUTE in the conference

AIR INSTITUTE participated in the event along with other technology centers in order to present the development of technological solutions based on the Internet of Things that incorporate sensors, software and other technologies in order to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems through the Internet, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. With projects such as Deep Intelligence, to transform data into valuable information, thus helping to make the best decisions thanks to optimal AI and Machine Learning algorithms; Load Crutches, an intelligent device system for real-time measuring, controlling and correcting of the load exerted by the patient on each crutch during rehabilitation; or CO2 Project, devices for measuring CO2 and environmental parameters in real time, capable of monitoring air quality and detecting indoor environments with insufficient ventilation.