AIR Institute keeps expanding as the traceability team welcomes a new addition

AIR Institute continues to expand its team and to add experts to the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence Centre, its new headquarters located in Salamanca. The new addition, Jorge Aguadero, is the new member of the traceability team and is joining it as a backend developer.

Jorge is a Telecommunications and Computer Systems technician and completed a full stack web development bootcamp. He is currently working on the backend of AIR Institute's DTI Lloret project, specifically on the management of digital signage, which displays updated weather information, free parking areas and the cultural agenda of Lloret de Mar, an intelligent tourist destination located in the province of Girona.

AIR Institute now has more than 90 researchers working on a daily basis on diverse projects at a national and international level. The technology centre is in full growth and has recently signed important agreements such as the one sealed with Microsoft through Wembley Studios, which will allow AIR Institute to implement its technology in products, research and in the development of artificial intelligence projects.