AIR Institute hosts the 4th General Assembly of the NODDO Technology Centre Network

The new headquarters of the AIR Institute in Salamanca hosted the 4th General Assembly of the NODDO Technology Centre Network which was attended by the directors of the leading centres in Castilla y León.

The executives had the opportunity to visit AIR Institute's new facilities and learn about the activities we are developing in the field of technology.  

The Network of Technology Centres is an initiative financed by the Regional Government of Castilla y León through the ICE, the Institute for Business Competitiveness. Its main objective is to become the region's principal agent of integration in R&D&I to boost business competitiveness through the innovation of the nine technology centres of Castilla y León: the Agricultural and Agri-Food Technology Centre Itagra.CT, the International Centre for Advanced Materials and Raw Materials of Castilla y León (ICAMCyL), CESEFOR, CETECE, the Miranda de Ebro Technology Centre Foundation (CTME), the ITCL Technology Centre, the CIDAUT Foundation, CARTIF and the AIR Institute.

The NODDO network offers three lines of action to respond to the needs and challenges of companies through the collaboration of the nine technology centres. Among the activities we can highlight the implementation of R&D&I projects, advice for the search for the best technological solutions in projects and tailor-made training for corporate teams. 

NODDO is an excellent opportunity for digitalisation and support for companies in Castilla y León, this type of meeting promotes the exchange of ideas and actions to be carried out in 2024.