AIR Institute joins the Capital Goods Cluster of Castilla y León
The Castilla y León Capital Goods Cluster (CBECyL) held its first Assembly for 2024 members at Keyland's facilities in Valladolid, marking the beginning of a year full of collaborations and development in the region.
More than 25 companies gathered to share the progress of the cluster, highlighting especially the research and development projects presented at the regional AEIs 2024 call. Projects such as METALZERO_CO2 Phase II and POKA YOKE 2.0, together with the "Cbecyl's Talent Journey" initiative, drew much attention among the attendees.
During the assembly, AIR Institute was presented as a new member of the ecosystem of the Castilla y León Capital Goods Cluster (CBECyL). AIR Institute joined the cluster with the mission to promote and develop scientific research in the field of AI and computer science.
The second part of the day focused on the role of companies in the new vocational training system. Adoración Gómez Martín, Head of Service of the Centre for Support to Teaching, Digitalisation, Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Directorate General for Vocational Training and Special Regime of the Junta de Castilla y León, shared with the attendees the keys of the new Vocational Training law, which promotes greater collaboration between companies and students through a dual training system.
The event concluded with a presentation by Carmen Iglesias Escudero, CEO of Keyland SdG, on the company's differential value proposition regarding the integration of mobile and collaborative robotics solutions with business information systems. A live demonstration by Keyland SdG's team of experts highlighted the innovative potential of these solutions.
It was an excellent event and a great new opportunity for the AIR Institute.