GILL project partners meet in Prague to discuss diversity, entrepreneurship and innovation

GILL partners are meeting in Prague for the third project consortium. Among the participants is our colleague Margarita Cea López, representing AIR Institute, as project partners.

At the event, Margarita shared the results of the work carried out by our team in the framework of the GILL project. Essentially, their experiments consist of measuring and analysing the perception of citizens on different gender and equality measures. To do so, they are analysing the content on a number of social networks using artificial intelligence techniques (Twitter and Reddit, the latter being one of the most widely used tools among young Europeans to discuss topics of interest and educational issues). Specifically, the implemented techniques and models are encompassed in one of the most innovative and relevant areas of artificial intelligence, namely, natural language processing.

Gill Project

Margarita Cea López, during her presentation at the third consortium of the GILL project.

Activities during the third GILL consortium

This first meeting day was filled with exchange of ideas and collaboration. The partners of the European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) welcomed us and outlined the objectives and agenda of the event. Next, partners from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) moderated the first cycle of AOEs (Action-Ordered Experimentation), where partners' views were discussed and shared. Afterwards, partners from Coventry University (CU) and Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen (UCPH) presented the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and their impact, followed by a session on the planning of the second iteration cycle and discussion of the AOEs by Hochschule Heilbronn (HHN) and AUTH.

GILL project partners during the third consortium in Prague. 

On the second day, UCPH and the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences (ISAS) addressed the topic of the fourth solution of culture and barriers for Gender-Responsive Smart Innovation and Entrepreneurship (GRISE), followed by a presentation on gender and diversity mainstreaming. CU partners presented an interesting talk on women entrepreneurship and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini (FGB) discussed the GILL policy framework in relation to the EU policy strategy. The day concluded with a presentation of the results of the 8 March webinar on masculinity, entrepreneurship and innovation, and the presentation of the GILL book.

On the last day of meetings, we will attend the presentations of the other partners, as well as discuss the next steps towards the achievement of the set objectives. The third consortium meeting of the GILL project is proving to be a collaborative event that reflects the commitment and dedication of its partners to innovation and the advancement of research.