Successful conference on "ACTIVE CYBERSECURITY IN PUBLIC BODIES AND SMEs" held on June 11th

On 11 June, the University of Salamanca Science Park held a new cybersecurity conference entitled "Active cybersecurity in public bodies and SMEs". AIR Institute is proud to be a member and to be part of this great project, which brought together experts and professionals dedicated to face the growing threat of cybercrime.


A day of learning and collaboration

The event began at 10:45 am with the presentation of the CIBERIA Project by Teresa Jiménez Cabaco, Manager of the USAL Science Park. Her presentation, entitled "digitalisation and cross-border resilience through the promotion of a cybersecure CENCYL area", highlighted the objectives and progress of the project.

Next, Raúl Aguado López from Active Business & Technology, at 11:00 a.m., delivered his workshop on "active cybersecurity: preparing for attacks". During this session, attendees gained practical knowledge on how to protect themselves against a cyber-attack and how to respond effectively in the event of being attacked.

The event concluded with a networking coffee at midday, which provided an excellent opportunity for participants to exchange ideas and make valuable connections, thus reinforcing a stronger and more united community against cybercrime.

AIR Institute would like to express our sincere thanks to all the attendees and speakers who contributed to the success of this event. Your participation and commitment are essential to advancing the fight against cybercrime and strengthening the security of our companies and public bodies.

Thank you for being part of this joint effort for a safer future!