Hacker Chema Alonso rounds off the Salamanca Tech Summit before approximately a thousand attendees

The third and last day of the Salamanca Tech Summit began with the presentation of the International Chair in Blockchain for Cybersecurity "CyberChain" by the University of Salamanca, in collaboration with the National Institute of Cybersecurity (INCIBE).

This chair seeks to promote training, improve training programmes and, above all, attract and retain young talent in blockchain technology applied to cybersecurity. CyberChain strengthens higher and professional education at national and international level, and has established an alliance with eight foreign universities, creating an Ibero-Asian Collaboration Ring in Blockchain for Cybersecurity. With this chair, Salamanca continues to consolidate its position as a technological benchmark in Southwest Europe.

Cybersecurity with Chema Alonso and institutions such as INCIBE and the National Police

The highlight of the day at the Palacio de Congresos was the conference given by the well-known hacker Chema Alonso, Chief Digital Officer of Telefónica, who offered important reflections on cybersecurity and artificial intelligence. The expert pointed out some of the challenges posed by AI for online security, such as techniques used by cybercriminals to impersonate identities. He also mentioned the existence of "police" who seek to identify fake avatars posing as real people, using methods such as blink rate analysis, among others.

Luis Enrique Corredera de Colsa, Director of Innovation and Digital Transformation at Deloitte, then spoke. "AI will change how enterprises operate over the next three years," he said. With a view to these digital transformations, Deloitte outlines "eight key points that prepare the company for the long-term competition that AI imposes on today's workplace".

Furthermore, Héctor René Suárez, expert in Big Data, Data Science and Artificial Intelligence at INCIBE emphasised in his presentation the methods for minimising errors in the application of AI and the importance of taking into account aspects such as the size of the data sample.

In addition, roundtables were held and featured compelling panels of experts such as Julio Merelo, CIO of Alastria; Casimiro Nevado, Chief Inspector of the National Police and Coordinator of the C1b3rWall initiative, and Óscar Lage, Director of Cybersecurity at Tecnalia.

International experts in education

In parallel to cybersecurity and blockchain, the education and educational technology track was held, with the participation of international speakers from countries such as China, Sweden, Norway, the United Kingdom, Italy and Portugal. Topics such as the application of generative artificial intelligence to education and the use of disruptive technologies to foster creativity in primary school students were discussed.

High participation rate

For three days, Salamanca Tech Summit has been a technological meeting point for around a thousand attendees and top national and international speakers. The Salamanca Tech initiative will continue with its programme over the coming months in the form of new meetings and activities open to the public.