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Cyber threats in 2021

Thu, 14 Jan 2021

By 2021, Panda Security's cyber security specialists have highlighted an increase in potential threats to IoT and Cloud technology. They also express their concern about phishing and ransomware attacks.

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CO-APS an app that will fight against COVID by giving information on crowding in public transport

Mon, 23 Nov 2020

Even though it looks like the risk of Covid-19 spreading on public transport is low, we are living in the "new normal" and must take precaution to make sure that we keep being able to move around our towns and cities.

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Secure Internet of Things, a priority for the European industry

Fri, 13 Nov 2020

European organisations have set their heart on the Internet of Things as the main element of digitisation.

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Spain, a reference in Artificial Intelligence.

Wed, 28 Oct 2020

Experts from numerous companies have pointed to Spain as one of the leading countries in the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

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Noixion TV recognized by IEEE as the best project

Wed, 21 Oct 2020

Under the initiative IEEE Blockchain Spain, the Spanish Section of the IEEE has announced award-winners for the best research project and article, whose subject matter is totally or partially related to the study or applications of Blockchain technology.

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The xDeepNeuro IIoT 4.0 project receives the I4MS-SAE certificate of excellence

Fri, 16 Oct 2020

The xDeepNeuro IIoT 4.0 project coordinated by the AIR Institute in collaboration with the Slovak company Technická diagnostika receives the I4MS-SAE certificate of excellence.

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Machine versus machine

Tue, 13 Oct 2020

Since the creation of the first video games in the 70s, "the machine" was a rival to play against when there was no other human to compete with.

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Using Deep Learning in X-rays to detect coronavirus

Thu, 8 Oct 2020

Perhaps, new technologies are one of the most useful resources in the fight against COVID-19. Artificial Intelligence is among the most involved technologies in the battle against the virus.
