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Ethical Guidelines for Reliable Artificial Intelligence

Thu, 11 Apr 2019

On April 8, AI HLEG president Pekka Ala-Pietilä presented the main ethical guidelines for the development of reliable Artificial Intelligence.

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Change or die: companies shed their skin

Thu, 4 Apr 2019

At this point in time, the majority of companies strive to adapt rapidly to the model impelled by technological advances; they do this by becoming involved in businesses that are not related to their main activity.

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Disruptive technology for developing countries

Thu, 28 Mar 2019

Disruptive technology is usually associated with developed countries such as those belonging to the European Union, the United States, Canada and others.

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Artificial Intelligence and disability

Thu, 21 Mar 2019

We are often astonished by the current advances in the field of AI and the increasing possibilities they provide us with.

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Women in AI

Thu, 14 Mar 2019

International Women's Day took place on March 8th, and AIR Institute would like to highlight the importance of women in the world of Artificial Intelligence.

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The Commission will support Masters and PhD students of Artificial Intelligence

Thu, 7 Mar 2019

According to the Coordinated Artificial Intelligence Plan (COM (2018) 795, 7.12.2018): "The Commission will support Master's and PhD AI students through closer cooperation between AI centres of excellence.

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Ethics and Artificial Intelligence

Thu, 28 Feb 2019

We live in a time of ongoing technological progress where artificial intelligence plays a key role. 

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Draft Ethics guidelines for trustworthy Artificial Intelligence

Thu, 21 Feb 2019

Consultations on the draft AI Ethical Guidelines concluded on 1 February with more than 500 comments from different stakeholders at the European and international scales.

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“AI is coming” to “AI is here now”

Thu, 14 Feb 2019

Many companies meet with difficulties at the time of implementing Artificial Intelligence processes.
