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SmartCLIDE designs a new cloud-native Integrated Development Environment

Mon, 6 Sep 2021

Analyzing data is much easier and faster today thanks to cloud computing and on-demand availability of computer system resources such as data storage and computing power.

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Do you need support for your innovation project?

Mon, 23 Aug 2021

Now more than ever, the need to establish synergies between public and private institutions is key to promote and support talent and innovation.

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AIR Institute: a bridge between ICT research and private funding

Fri, 6 Aug 2021

One of AIR Institute's greatest strengths is found outside its walls, that is, AIR Institute partners.

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Blockchain and Smart Contracts: the technology that will secure our data in a digital society

Tue, 27 Jul 2021

Forbes Spain has published an article a few days ago which pointed to the near-future indispensability of Blockchain, and specifically Smart Contracts, for the protection of company data/transactions and those of the society at large.

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Expand IntelWines: AI and Blockchain in the wine industry

Mon, 12 Jul 2021

Smart agriculture is becoming increasingly important due to its huge benefits in terms of both logistics and economics.

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AIR Institute and LUCE will jointly support the digitization of companies and public institutions through the Next Generation funds

Wed, 30 Jun 2021

AIR Institute and LUCE have signed an agreement through which they will support companies and public institutions in the application and implementation of their digital transformation projects within the framework of the European Next Generation Funds.

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AIR Institute collaborates in a research on COVID-19 prediction

Mon, 14 Jun 2021

The Technological University of Panama (UTP) has presented the Epidempredict platform, a project that aims to predict the evolution of COVID-19 in Panama through the use of Artificial Intelligence.

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The secretariat of state for tourism includes several projects of the Air Institute in its Catalog of Technological Solutions for Smart Tourism

Mon, 31 May 2021

The Secretariat of State for Tourism, through its specific agency for the promotion of Innovation and Tourism Technologies SEGITTUR, has launched its Catalogue of Technological Solutions for Smart Tourist Destinations, in which several of our projects are included.

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European citizens take the lead to overcome the digital challenges of the next decade

Mon, 24 May 2021

The European Commission has launched a public consultation in which all its citizens, companies and institutions can contribute their views to the future Declaration of Digital Principles of the Union.
