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Successful SSCt2021: a big step towards the cities of the future

Fri, 30 Apr 2021

Yesterday the Sustainable Smart Cities and Territories International Conference 2021 came to an end, an event organised by the AIR Institute, Texas A&M University in Qatar, the BISITE Research Group and the IoT Digital Innovation Hub, in which numerous researchers discussed the design and technologies that must be implemented in our territories in order to create more sustainable and liveable cities.

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Great success of DIHWOLD Community Days

Thu, 15 Apr 2021

Yesterday we had the opportunity to participate in a seminar entitled "The importance of Digital Innovation Hubs in Industry 4.0.

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Sustainable Smart Cities and Territories International Conference: a flagship event in this changing world

Tue, 30 Mar 2021

The International Conference on Sustainable Smart Cities and Territories, SSCt2021, will soon be taking place. It is a meeting that we have organised together with the Texas A&M University in Qatar, the BISITE Research Group and the IoT Digital Innovation Hub.

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DIGIS3: Una candidatura sólida a Centro Europeo de Innovación Digital desde Castilla y León

Sat, 13 Mar 2021

El IoT Digital Innovation Hub (IoT DIH) liderado por el AIR Institute, junto con su socio  Digital Innovation Hub Industry 4.0 (DIHBU), dos de los centros de innovación digital de mayor experiencia y solidez en Castilla y León-,  han unido sus fuerzas junto al recientemente creado  DIH-LEAF, Digital Innovation Hub on Livestock, Environment, Agriculture and Forest, SCAYLE Centro de Supercomputación y la Universidad de León (UNILEON), para presentar una  propuesta integradora, liderada por el Instituto de Competitividad Empresarial (ICE), para optar a ser financiada como Centro Europeo de innovación Digital.

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La Consejería de Empleo e Industria de Castilla y León publicará en las próximas semanas nuevas ayudas.

Fri, 12 Mar 2021

Desde el Air Institute queremos haceros participes de unas nuevas ayudas publicadas por la Consejería de Empleo e Industria de Castilla y León y que se convocaran en las próximas semanas. Desde nuestra entidad asesoramos a las empresas que deseen obtener una de estas ayudas y, además asesoramos a empresas industriales para realizar la solicitud y buscar un partner tecnológico para sus proyectos de Ciberseguridad (primera convocatoria) y de industria 4.0 (segunda convocatoria).

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Extra revenue for traditional companies thanks to blockchain

Fri, 26 Feb 2021

Although in recent years the business environment has not undergone major changes in terms of structural innovation, it is vitally important that traditional companies evolve towards decentralized ecosystems.

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Presenting the DIH World Project to the community

Mon, 15 Feb 2021

Ms. Marta Plaza Hernandez was the one to present the DIH World project on January 29th. Due to Covid restrictions, the project was presented via a webinar, which has been well received by the community.

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IIoT and Artificial Intelligence in smart winery environments

Fri, 12 Feb 2021

Artificial Intelligence in the wine sector brought by Dr. Ricardo S. Alonso Rincón".

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Cyber threats in 2021

Thu, 14 Jan 2021

By 2021, Panda Security's cyber security specialists have highlighted an increase in potential threats to IoT and Cloud technology. They also express their concern about phishing and ransomware attacks.
